Seattle/Portland Cohort Office Hours

Seattle/Portland Cohort Individual Coaching Calls

Seattle/Portland Cohort Group Call #1

Seattle In-Person Session #1 Continued (Half Day)

Seattle In-Person Session #1

Webinar: EvaluSkills Review and Developing Your Lifelong Learning Leadership Development Plan

Post-program EvaluSkills 360-degree Online Leadership Assessment

Graduation Reception at MAXX Convention (Optional, all cohorts)

Washington Leaders of Character – Workshop #3

Arizona Leaders of Character – Workshop #3

Colorado Leaders of Character – Workshop #3

Prerequisite for In-person Workshop #3: Leading the Leaders

Virtual Seminar #4: Employee Performance and Conflict Management

Prerequisite for Virtual Seminar #4

Online Modules: Employee Performance Management and Managing Conflict.

Virtual One-on-One Mentoring Sessions

Virtual Seminar #3: Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence Appraisal® Assessment Online

Prerequisite for Virtual Seminar #3

Online Module: Emotional Intelligence: Mental Toughness and Resilience.

Washington Coaching & Mentoring (MBTI) In-Person Workshop #2

Arizona Coaching & Mentoring (MBTI) In-Person Workshop #2

Colorado Coaching & Mentoring (MBTI) In-Person Workshop #2