Nov 2023


Upcoming Events

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November 1st - November 3rd
GoWest is hosting a 3-day workshop in collaboration with Credit Union Development Educators from across the GoWest region. This session will be a deep-dive into credit union principles, philosophy, and what makes us different.
November 1st 9:00 am
This Council is a place to connect on new and innovative uses of technology and strategize for operational efficiency while optimizing member experience.
November 2nd 9:00 am
This Council focuses on internal and cyber security, as well as business continuity and disaster recovery, in an effort to reduce risk in the areas that credit unions face daily.
November 7th 9:00 am
This Council brings regional compliance professionals together to discuss the challenges inherent in keeping credit unions compliant with the regulations that govern them.
November 7th 12:00 pm
Join our Lunch & Learn to hear from program experts, have an opportunity for Q&A, and walk away knowing, “Whats in it for me?” Register now!
November 8th 9:00 am
This Council will stay on top of issues impacting the lending industry by giving access to a wealth of information through networking with fellow credit union lenders.
November 15th 8:00 am
Attendees will leave this session able to work with IRA owners and process basic IRA transactions with confidence. This is a beginner’s session; no previous IRA knowledge is assumed.
November 15th 11:00 am
Join our Lunch & Learn to hear from program experts, have an opportunity for Q&A, and walk away knowing, “Whats in it for me?” Register now!
November 16th 8:00 am
This advanced session builds on basic IRA knowledge and addresses more complex issues. Previous IRA knowledge is assumed. The instructor uses real-world exercises to help participants apply information to job-related situations.
November 29th 5:00 pm
Join us to celebrate the holiday season and decorate some Christmas trees for donating to a local Senior community. We will also be accepting donations of socks and toiletries.
November 29th 6:00 pm
Join us for our Willamette Chapter virtual meeting on November 29th, 2023 at 6:00PM.