GoWest at ALEC

Zach Forster, VP of Legislative Affairs, Idaho and Bobbie Frank, VP of Legislative Affairs, Wyoming represented GoWest this week at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) annual meeting.

Wyoming Advocates Host Legislative Reception at CFD

What better place than the “Daddy of them All,” Cheyenne Frontier Days, to host a reception for the Wyoming Congressional Delegation and Wyoming State Legislators.

Arizona Credit Union Advocates Meet with Friendly Candidates

Arizona credit union leaders spent time today with two strong supporters in Congress. The meetings come amid this year’s important election season.

Arizona Bill Co-Sponsor Rep. Wilmeth Meets with Credit Union Leaders

With the Arizona Legislature having recently adjourned, credit union leaders on the Arizona Governmental Affairs Committee had a chance to […]

Oregon’s Senator Peter Courtney Passes Away

Oregon’s longest serving legislator, credit union friend and winner of our Community Impact Report, Senator Peter Courtney passed away today.

One-Stop Election Guide

Here are resources to help credit unions get to know more about people running for office in Wyoming.

Picture of Mortgage Papers

Proposed Rulemaking by CFPB on Mortgage Servicing  

As the rulemaking process progresses, GoWest will seek your feedback and develop comments by the Sept. 9 deadline.

CFPB Update: The FFIEC Publishes HMDA Dataset Snapshot and Resources

Credit unions should review the snapshot and see how they compare against key highlights.

Council of State Governments West Convenes in Portland

The conference gives us the opportunity to advocate credit union priorities to legislators from all six GoWest states.

CFPB Releases New Supervisory Highlights Related to Servicing and Collection of Consumer Debt

What credit unions need to know about findings from recent examinations.

Data Privacy Legislation Stalls in DC

Over the past few weeks, there has been a lot of activity related to the Congressional push to establish a national data privacy / data security standard that all industries would be required to meet. 

New Oregon Senate Majority Leader

Sen. Kathleen Taylor helped guide the CU Act update bill through the Senate in 2023.

Oregon Advocacy Engagement

Oregon credit union advocates have been busy engaging with elected officials in their district and at events. 

Picture of A business sign that says Come in We're Open

CFPB Extends Compliance Dates for Small-Business Lending Rule

An interim rule provides lenders with more time to prepare amidst legal and regulatory changes.  

Wyoming Policy and Prosperity Event Presents Opportunity for CU Messaging

Advocacy doesn’t just happen during the legislature. This summer, your GoWest team and member credit unions are meeting with policymakers as often as possible.

New Version of Warren-Cleaver Housing Legislation Not Expected to Include CRA

This is a positive step, but GoWest will continue to advocate against CRA resurfacing in this or any other legislation.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Chevron Doctrine

The doctrine provided deference to federal regulators and agencies in their interpretation of ambiguous laws.

Republicans Looking for Creative Ways to Curtail Administrative Rulemaking

This article shares several examples of pending legislation on rulemaking.

Credit Unions Deliver Candidate Support in Wyoming

This week Wyoming Credit Union’s delivered political action committee support to several candidates.

Your Input Needed as FHFA Begins Rulemaking on FHLB Modernization

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) appears to be initiating the start of surrounding its previously announced plans to modernize the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) system as it prepares to turn 100 years old at the end of this decade.