Data Privacy Legislation Stalls in DC

Over the past few weeks, there has been a lot of activity related to the Congressional push to establish a national data privacy / data security standard that all industries would be required to meet. 

New Oregon Senate Majority Leader

Sen. Kathleen Taylor helped guide the CU Act update bill through the Senate in 2023.

Oregon Advocacy Engagement

Oregon credit union advocates have been busy engaging with elected officials in their district and at events. 

Picture of A business sign that says Come in We're Open

CFPB Extends Compliance Dates for Small-Business Lending Rule

An interim rule provides lenders with more time to prepare amidst legal and regulatory changes.  

Wyoming Policy and Prosperity Event Presents Opportunity for CU Messaging

Advocacy doesn’t just happen during the legislature. This summer, your GoWest team and member credit unions are meeting with policymakers as often as possible.

New Version of Warren-Cleaver Housing Legislation Not Expected to Include CRA

This is a positive step, but GoWest will continue to advocate against CRA resurfacing in this or any other legislation.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Chevron Doctrine

The doctrine provided deference to federal regulators and agencies in their interpretation of ambiguous laws.

Republicans Looking for Creative Ways to Curtail Administrative Rulemaking

This article shares several examples of pending legislation on rulemaking.

Credit Unions Deliver Candidate Support in Wyoming

This week Wyoming Credit Union’s delivered political action committee support to several candidates.

Your Input Needed as FHFA Begins Rulemaking on FHLB Modernization

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) appears to be initiating the start of surrounding its previously announced plans to modernize the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) system as it prepares to turn 100 years old at the end of this decade.

Primary Election Night in Colorado

Credit Unions had an incredible night watching the results come in in Colorado’s primary elections.

CFPB Releases Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Remove Medical Bills from Credit Reports  

Last week, the CFPB released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would significantly impact credit reporting and lending practices by amending Regulation V of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to remove medical debt from credit reports.

Capitol Buildings

GoWest Advocacy Marks Milestone

GoWest advocacy marked a milestone in 2024. The official “sine die” adjournment of the Arizona State Legislature on June 15 marked the final ending of the state legislative sessions for the region.

CDFI Fund Extends Submission Deadlines for Revised CDFI Certification Application

On Thursday June 20, the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) announced an extension for the reapplication deadlines for currently certified CDFI’s using the revised CDFI Certification Application.

Select Capitol Finance Committee Moves Local Government Investments Forward

The Select Committee on Capitol Financing and Investment met yesterday and discussed local government investment options, pursuant to Senate file 90 – State-managed local government equity investment pool – passed in the 2024 session.

Wyoming’s Economic Outlook

At their May meeting, the Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Committee received an Wyoming economic outlook briefing from Dr. Anne Alexander, Director of Outreach and Engagement, Center for Business and Economic Analysis.

Upcoming GoWest Delegation Political Events

The political season is heating up and there is no shortage of activity on the horizon. For GoWest, political events are an essential component of the advocacy strategy.

Calling All Credit Unions: Share Your Impact Data and Wow Congress

GoWest is preparing a detailed economic and community impact analysis for the 119th Congress and 2025 legislative sessions. Next month, you will receive the survey resources to help your credit union participate.

House Appropriations Committee Passes Funding Minus SAFE Banking Language

In a vote Thursday night, the House Appropriations Committee approved a $23.6 billion measure to establish funding for the Fiscal Year 2025 Treasury Department and several independent federal agencies.

Credit Unions Support Withers, SD 6

Bill Willingham, President and CEO WyHy FCU and Wyoming Government Affairs Co-Chair, Bill Yates, President & CEO First Education FCU, and Brian Thomas, President & CEO of Meridian Trust FCU presented Kim Withers, candidate for Wyoming legislative Senate District 6 with a campaign support check from Wyoming’s Credit Union Political Action Committee.