Besides founding the first credit unions in Canada and the U.S., Alphonse Desjardins pioneered youth savings clubs and in-school credit unions, known as caisses scolaires. The Desjardins Youth Awards were created in his honor to recognize leadership within the Credit Union Movement on behalf of financial literacy for all ages. 

The Desjardins Adult and Youth Financial Education Award programs recognize leadership within the credit union movement on behalf of financial literacy for members and nonmembers of all ages. The award, named after credit union pioneer Alphonse Desjardins, emphasizes the movement’s longtime commitment to financial education.

The Youth Awards recognize model credit union efforts to teach personal finance concepts and skills to members and nonmembers under age 18. 


  • Classroom presentation series
  • Credit prerequisite course
  • NEFE HSFPP instruction for underserved group
  • Online personal finance curriculum
  • Live group budgeting simulation
  • Special savers or borrowers club
  • Peer to Peer financial counseling 

The Adult Awards recognize model credit union efforts to teach personal finance concepts and skills to members and nonmembers age 18 or older. 


  • Group seminar or webinar
  • Online Q&A with expert
  • Instruction of underserved group
  • Presentation series to SEG group
  • Instruction at personal finance events
  • One-on-one financial counseling or credit report review
  • Regular personal finance segment in local media