Credit Union Conversations are your tool to connect with credit union peers across the GoWest region. Through this tool, you have access to a peer network that can help support you and your team. You can use Conversations to ask questions, solicit advice and resources, share hot topics and intelligence with other credit unions, and grow your network.
Your GoWest login credentials for will grant you access to Conversations. If you haven’t yet created those credentials, you can register here. Once logged in, click My Account and then Home to view all available Conversations.
If you have questions, please contact our team at [email protected].
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User Guide & FAQ
What are Conversations, and what should I post?
Conversations are a tool to connect with credit union peers across the GoWest region. Through this tool, you have access to a peer network that can help support you and your team. You can use conversations to ask questions, solicit advice and resources, share hot topics and intelligence with other credit unions, and grow your network.
How do I join a Conversation?
When you log into GoWest Online, all conversations you have joined will be displayed on the home page. Click “Join a Conversation>>” to view and join available Conversations.
When you select a Conversation, click “join group” on the right-hand side.
What is the difference between a public and private Conversation?
Private Conversations require approval by a moderator to view the feed and make posts. Public Conversation feeds are readily visible to all users, and clicking join group will give users immediate access to post and reply.
How do I access the Conversations I have already joined?
When you log in, your home page will display the Conversations you have joined. Clicking “Join a Conversation;” will enable you to join any other available Conversations.
How do I make sure I don’t miss out on any Conversation posts?
Once you join the conversation, change your notification settings to “Every Post.” This will enable an email notification for every post in that Conversation.
What email address will Conversations notifications come from?
GoWest Online – [email protected]
Be sure to add this email address to your contacts list to ensure that emails arrive in your inbox and are not diverted to spam.
How will notification emails appear?
Here’s a sample notification email from a post to the Compliance Conversation:
Can I reply to posts directly from my email notification?
As long as your notifications are set to “Every Post,” you can reply to posts directly from your email inbox, even with attachments.
What happens when I reply to a post-notification email from GoWest Online?
When you reply to a post notification email from GoWest Online, your reply will be a reply to the original post, creating a thread.
Here’s an example of the reply email:
Here’s an example of the resulting thread in Conversations:
Can I send a post to a Conversation by email?
Yes, you can create a post by email. Every Conversation has a unique email address listed in the description section of the Conversation. Click the link to generate an email from your default email application.
Save the email address to your contact list and don’t forget to label it by Conversation name (for the Collectors Conversation, name the contact “Collectors Conversation”) since each one is unique.
Once the contact is created, you can post directly to the feed by email by putting the Conversations contact in the “To” form, creating a subject, and typing your question or comment in the body of the email. Send the email to post.
What if I receive too many notification emails?
You can change your notification settings inside the Conversation. If you sign up for daily digests or weekly digests, you will receive a daily or weekly email with a list of all the posts in that time frame.
Weekly digests will be sent on Sunday afternoon, so they will be in your inbox when you arrive back in the office on Monday morning.
How do I respond to posts from the daily or weekly digests?
To respond to a post from the weekly digest, click “Comment” to be directed to the Conversation, where you can reply.
What email address will Conversations notifications come from?
GoWest Online – [email protected]
Add this email address to your email contacts list to ensure they hit your inbox and are not diverted to spam or junk.
I made a post and now there’s a “topic” attached to it. What is a topic?
Topics are a way for users and moderators to group posts by type to make searching for content easier. Click on a topic to view posts with that topic filter.
How do I add a topic to a post?
On the post, click the down arrow and select “Edit Topics.”
Add your topic(s) and click save.
How do I search a Conversation to see if my issue has been discussed in a previous post?
Click “Search this feed…” to search for posts by keyword.
How do I filter search results?
Click the funnel icon next to the “Search this feed…” box to filter search results.
How do I delete a post?
On the post, click the down arrow and select “Delete.”
How do I see who else has joined the Conversation?
When you are in a Conversation, “FEED” is the default view. Click “DETAILS” to see group members. Clicking “View All” will display all the group members in a list.
How do I tag other users in a post or reply?
In your post or reply, type “@[person’s name]” to search for the user you wish to tag and select their name.
When you post the comment or reply, the tag will be visible:
How do I bookmark posts I want to return to later?
On the post, click the down arrow and select “Bookmark.”
Bookmarked posts display a green star in the feed.
Where can I view my bookmarks?
Your bookmarked posts are saved under “Your Settings.”
What are the Credit Union Conversation Guidelines?
Posts that contain words commonly used in phishing attempts or inappropriate content are temporarily blocked for review and approval by a moderator.
Users should avoid:
- Discussing confidential, proprietary, or other non-public information about rates, fees, or other information about price or cost structure;
- Agreeing with competitors on uniform terms of sale;
- Agreeing with competitors to divide or allocate the marketplace (including potential customers, members or geographic territories);
- Acting jointly with one or more competitors to put another competitor at a disadvantage;
- Trying to prevent suppliers from selling to a competitor; or
- Discussing future pricing plans with competitors.
Take a moment to review GoWest’s Code of Conduct to ensure a safe environment for all users.
Who monitors the Conversations?
Several GoWest staff members serve as content moderators for all Conversations.
How do I flag an inappropriate post?
Click the down arrow on the post, and select “Flag.”
Choose your reason for the flag, leave a note (optional), and click “Save” to submit.
How do I leave a Conversation?
To leave a Conversation, click on the Conversation you want to leave, hover over the word “Member,” and click the “Leave Group” button that appears.
How do I rejoin a Conversation?
When you log into GoWest Online, all Conversations you have joined will be displayed on the home page. Click “Join a Conversation>>” to view and join available Conversations.
When you select a Conversation, click “Join Group.”
If you have questions, please contact our team at [email protected].
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