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Legal Update 1
Oct. 14, 3 – 4 p.m. MT
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Legal Update 2
Oct. 16, 1 – 2 p.m. MT
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Justin Whitesides creates solutions and solves problems for credit unions in the most efficient way possible. After nearly a decade as general counsel for a credit union, where he was also a member of senior management, Justin has unique insight into how laws, regulations, and supervisory pressures affect all aspects of a credit union and its membership. Justin’s guidance is goal-oriented, practical, and easy-to-understand.

While serving as general counsel, Justin’s key areas of responsibility included corporate governance, compliance, audit, human resources, collections, vendor management, and information security – in addition to all the legal issues that came from any other part of the organization. Justin is skilled at working with staff at all levels to ensure their goals are met and they understand the legal boundaries that apply to what they do.

Before his in-house experience, Justin was a regulatory compliance attorney at Farleigh Wada Witt for several years. Even his first job before law school – and his first savings account – was in a credit union.

Aside from his credit union focus, Justin is also skilled in general business matters that include entity formation, contract review, purchase and sale agreements, property leases, and the strategic steps a business can take to keep potential lawsuits out of court.