All times listed are Pacific.
Oct. 4: 7am

Breakfast in the Tradeshow

Oct. 4: 7am

Registration Desk Open
Until 2 p.m. PT

Oct. 4: 7:30am

Foundation Breakfast

Oct. 4: 8:30am

The Neuroscience of Human Behavior
Dr. Poppy Crum

Data is all around us. Every time we interact with another person or environment, our brain collects information and uses it to make split-second, qualitative decisions. From walking into a grocery store and finding the items we need to sitting across a table sharing ideas with our colleagues during a meeting, our brains take in data about every single detail, glance, and unspoken exchange to form opinions about people, places, and things that impact our future interactions with them.

In this talk, neuroscientist Poppy Crum challenges audiences to think about data differently, and uses compelling examples to highlight how the brain is essentially machine learning to solve problems every day. She’ll demonstrate that through every experience, we are learning over time – consciously or subconsciously – how certain actions, sounds, traits, and cues can produce multiple outcomes, causing us to form our own internal algorithms, that in turn, impact our decision making. This will be a thought-provoking experience that your audience won’t get anywhere else.

Oct. 4: 9:15am


Oct. 4: 9:30am

AI-Driven Resilience: Member-Focused Lending for Credit Unions in Any Economic Climate
Breakout Session
Mike de Vere

With high inflation and an uncertain economic climate, credit unions across the country are lent out and looking for smarter lending processes so that they can keep lending to their members when they face financial hardship. What does it take to ensure you’re there for your members when the hard times hit? And what do you want for your members when the economy is prosperous?

In this session, we’ll review data from members on what they want from their credit unions during a recession and will share insights and learnings from decisions made during past harsh financial climates. You’ll learn how with AI-automated underwriting, credit unions can make smarter, more inclusive and efficient lending decisions in good times or bad.

Oct. 4: 9:30am

Creating Pathways to Affordable Living: Credit Union’s Innovative Workforce Housing Solutions
Breakout Session

Oct. 4: 9:30am

Future Proof Your Board: Best Practices in Board Succession Planning and Recruitment
Breakout Session
Deedee Myers

How do you successfully diversify your board and, at the same time, attract top-qualified talent? How do you ensure your board is representative of your current and future membership? Receive concrete strategies for identifying, recruiting, and retaining directors that you can implement right away. Learn about board assessments and building an “ideal” director profile, and hear case studies of successful boards.

Oct. 4: 9:30am

Early Warning Economic Indicators that Can Lead to Bank Fragility
Breakout Session
Vange Hochheimer

Please join Dr. Vange Hochheimer for a national and regional economic forecast and a review of key leading economic indicators that impact the banking sector and inform strategies for balance sheet management in credit unions. Dr. Hochheimer is a Professor of Economics and Finance at Whitworth University.

Oct. 4: 9:30am

FedNow: The Future is Now
Breakout Session
Joni Hopkins

Instant payments are coming, and it’s time to prepare. But where do you start?

Together, we’ll walk through key considerations and decisions for your instant payments journey, wherever your starting point may be. Guiding the conversation with key insights and experience will be Joni Hopkins, vice president for the Federal Reserve’s Product and Relationship Management Group.

The FedNow Service is a new instant payment service that the Federal Reserve banks developed to enable financial institutions of every size and in every community across the U.S. to provide safe and efficient instant payment services in real time around the clock, every day of the year.  Join us to learn more about this new service.

Oct. 4: 9:30am

How Generative AI Can Revolutionize Member Service for Credit Unions
Breakout Session
Murali Mahalingam
Ashish Garg

Generative AI such as ChatGPT are powerful tools that are already beginning to revolutionize member service for credit unions. In this session, Eltropy SVP of AI, Murali Mahalingam will discuss how Large Language Models (LLM) can be used to create more personalized conversations, improve efficiency, and generate valuable insights. He will also explore the revenue opportunities for credit unions and the ROI of implementing Generative AI.

Murali will also share real-world use cases from credit unions that are already implementing Generative AI to improve their business operations. He’ll discuss the future of Generative AI and how it can be used to create even more personalized and engaging experiences for members.

Oct. 4: 9:30am

Building Sound Hedging Practices: Fundamentals and Best Practices to Manage Volatility
Breakout Session
Leah Viault

Please join Leah Viault from Sandler O’Neill and Partners for a discussion on interest rate hedging strategies and best practices. She will discuss how the current environment is affecting balance sheets and walk through how credit unions can get started with implementing a hedge strategy unique to their institution. Viault is a managing director for financial strategies and she is responsible for interest rate derivatives and hedging strategy.

Oct. 4: 11am

Held Hostage: Ransomware Tales from the Darkside
Breakout Session
Jen Anthony

During this session, we’ll examine the parts of a ransomware attack no one is talking about and provide actionable takeaways to help you keep your credit union safe.

Oct. 4: 11am

The Post-Pandemic Economy’s Payments Evolution and Security Revolution
Breakout Session
Dustin White

Cyber threats have evolved since the pandemic, with bad actors simultaneously targeting online and offline payment vulnerabilities as our daily lives return to a blend of in-person and e-commerce experiences.

Topics to be discussed:

  • How cyber threats have evolved since the pandemic.
  • The role security plays in enabling the digital economy, how to adopt more advanced security capabilities, including enhanced authorization technology like tokens and fraud detection through biometric authentication and AI.
  • Tips for creating an efficient security strategy based on lessons learned from Visa’s experience in preventing fraud across its network because of its investments in AI.
Oct. 4: 11am

Credit Union Philosophy 101
Breakout Session
Andrew Downin

While our products may look similar to what banks offer, the philosophy of the Credit Union Movement couldn’t be more different.

Hear from leaders from some of GoWest’s most dynamic credit unions about how they’ve honored our movement’s unique purpose while building stronger, more collaborative relationships with members and their communities.

You’ll be inspired by their stories of living our cooperative principles and armed with new ideas you can take back to your own credit union.

Oct. 4: 11am

Subordinated Debt – Leverage and Growth for Success
Breakout Session
Mark DeBree

Deposit flows are often unpredictable and typically rush in at a time when loan volume begins to fall. This creates a variety of challenges for credit unions as earnings decline at the same time the balance sheet swells, which typically results in net worth pressures.

Credit unions have several paths for overcoming net worth deterioration, and they all have their pros and cons. Subordinated debt is a channel that many credit unions (not all) can consider to alleviate these pressures, while simultaneously positioning the balance sheet for growth.

This presentation will discuss industry trends, challenges net worth deterioration creates, paths that credit unions can take, and a business case review for subordinated debt.

Oct. 4: 11am

Building Trust & Communication in the Board Room
Breakout Session
Connie Miller

Building trust among board members, the CEO, and key executives is important for credit unions to reach their full potential.

Do you wish more board members would speak up in the boardroom conversations and provide input? Do you wish they would bring the parking lot discussions after the board meeting back into the boardroom? This session includes improving healthy communication in the boardroom and provides tools for board members to be more strategic with problem-solving discussions.

Understanding why certain board members show up poorly by remaining silent or having that strong personality that dominates the conversation is helpful. This session provides practical tools and understanding of how to build accountability, put aside their personal biases as individual board members for the good of the credit union, and improve the flow of communication through effective board governance and chain of command as a board member.

Effective board communication builds trust and innovative thinking, which contributes to high-performing credit unions, increased retention of CEOs and key executives, and increases financial performance. And all of this content can be used to build strong cultures and strong teams in the workplace as well.

Oct. 4: 11am

Finding Success by Collaborating with your Peer Credit Unions
Breakout Session
Mary Vasquez
Seth Schaefer

Credit unions are powerful, especially when they work together. Find out how five Portland area credit unions are partnering with the Urban League of Portland to create impactful change in their communities. , Credit unions are powerful, especially when they work together. Find out how five Portland area credit unions are partnering with the Urban League of Portland to create impactful change in their communities.

Oct. 4: 11am

Credit Unions for Kids: Building a Brand of Cooperation & Impact
Breakout Session
Nick Coleman

Credit Unions for Kids (CU4Kids) has a rich history of connecting credit unions nationwide toward a shared goal of supporting children and their families’ physical and financial health.

In this session, you’ll learn more about the inspiring work that CU4Kids is having today, informed by case studies on credit unions amplifying their impact, and leave with a better understanding of the possibilities when credit unions come together.

Oct. 4: 12pm

Tradeshow Lunch

Oct. 4: 1pm

Tech Trends & User Experience
Breakout Session
Harrison Hochman

Harrison Hochman is a dynamic and accomplished young entrepreneur, known for his exceptional leadership skills and vision for the future. As the co-founder and CEO of Sparrow, he helped establish the company in his parents’ backyard at just 20 years old, bringing a fresh perspective to the student lending landscape.

With a passion for making education accessible and affordable to all, Harrison’s leadership and innovative approach have helped Sparrow emerge as a leading student lending infrastructure platform. Recognized as one of eleven young global leaders in STEM, Environmental, and Societal Sustainability by the esteemed Straubel Foundation, he has national gained acclaim for his groundbreaking work in the field.

As a Forbes 30 Under 30 lister in the Education category, Harrison’s dedication to simplicity, choice, and transparency is at the heart of Sparrow’s customer-centric approach. With a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Stanford University, he has leveraged his educational background to fuel his entrepreneurial vision and lead by example.

Harrison’s impact extends beyond his entrepreneurial pursuits. As a mentor and role model, he inspires and guides aspiring young entrepreneurs, sharing his expertise and experiences. With a focus on innovation and growth, Harrison is transforming the student lending landscape, empowering borrowers of all types to achieve their dreams while shaping a better future for education and sustainability.

Oct. 4: 1pm

Legal Update with Farleigh Wada Witt
Breakout Session
Hal Scoggins
Brian Witt
Kelley Hodney
Mark Robey

Oct. 4: 1pm

Serving the Underserved | Relationship-Based Lending for Financial Inclusion
Breakout Session
Seth Brickman

When life happens, financial access is key. Do you know where your members turn for cash when there’s more month than money or unexpected expenses arise? It should be your credit union, not a payday lender.

During this session, we’ll discuss the important role credit unions play in protecting their members’ financial futures, driving financial inclusion and improving the well-being of underserved communities.

Oct. 4: 1pm

Open Banking
Breakout Session
Sabena Sandhu

Oct. 4: 1pm

An Effective Hybrid Work Strategy: Achieving the Benefits of Regular, In-Person Collaboration
Breakout Session

As more credit unions center on a hybrid workplace strategy, it’s important to stay focused on the promised benefits of working in an office. These include facilitating collaboration, sparking creativity and innovation, growing careers, and empowering employees to deliver on the credit union’s mission. Join us for a deep dive into the data and explore what has changed over the past year in hybrid workplace strategy, what has stayed the same, and how you can create a workplace that delivers on the reasons you brought employees back for in-person work.

This presentation includes specific examples of hybrid successes and failures, a unique dataset of surveys from hundreds of thousands of office, remote, and hybrid workers, as well as actionable strategies to identify ways that you can better support your employees in the workplace environment.

The future of work is here. Are you ready to attract and retain the workforce of the future, and engage them to their fullest potential?

Oct. 4: 2:30pm

Interactive Break in Tradeshow

Oct. 4: 3:30pm

Employee Engagement

Oct. 4: 3:30pm

Thinking Like a Leader

Oct. 4: 3:30pm

Risk and Compliance

Oct. 4: 3:30pm

Chat GPT & AI Use Cases

Oct. 4: 3:30pm

CEO ONLY Roundtable

Oct. 4: 3:30pm

Exhibitors Pack Up and Move Out  

Oct. 4: 6pm

CU4Kids Auction Reception

Oct. 4: 7pm

CU4Kids Auction & Dinner