One of the most effective strategies is to assist in the election of candidates who are credit union supporters. Candidates for office know they need the support of GoWest credit unions to win, and it’s a fact of politics that modern election campaigns need funding as well.
Reaching our annual goal for federal political fundraising remains a priority through the America’s Credit Union Political Action Committee (ACU PAC).
Upcoming Advocacy Events
All EventsOregon CU Day at the Capitol
Washington CU Day at the Capitol
Colorado CU Day at the Capitol
The ACU GAC — GoWest Rendition
On The Go Articles
Status Update: Federal Tax Reform, House Budget Committee ‘Pay-for’ List, Credit Union Strategy
Congress continues its efforts to develop a comprehensive budget, replace the expiring Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and act on […]
The Data Credit Unions Need to Celebrate Their Impact
New Economic and Community Impact Reports are ready for credit union in the GoWest region to use to advocate for priority legislation in statehouses and in Washington, D.C.
Turning Up the Volume on Credit Union Advocacy
While advocating for credit union priorities is ongoing throughout the year, at no time is it busier – and more opportune for your engagement – than when legislative bodies are in session.