Twenty-five years of empirical, data-driven research reveals balanced success for a group of credit unions that have thrived through volatile, uncertain, chaotic, and business-as-usual times. While the differences in size, markets, members, and models are most interesting, the similarities and common threads of leadership, strategy, and capacity for sustainable success have proven to be most valuable. In this session, you will discover the choices made to create these built-to-last results and have the opportunity to create a plan for your credit union that will deliver enduring value for the next generation of members, markets, professionals, and communities.

Key Takeaways

  • Gain insight into what has made a group of credit unions thrive through 25 years of changing environments
  • Learn how to create a plan for delivering enduring value for your credit union and its stakeholders

This Session Qualifies for CPE Credit

Management Services
This field of study incorporates the business processes of an entity, achieving efficiencies, improving cash flow, and maintaining profitability. Subjects related to management services include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Cash and Treasury Management
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Performance Management
  • Project Management

CPE Credit Offered: 1.0
Field of Study: Management Services – Technical
Delivery Method: Group Live
Prerequisites: None

Event Date / Time

October 16th from 1 pm 2 pm


Summit 6-7


Jeff Rendel
Certified Speaking Professional