Data Privacy Legislation Stalls in DC

Over the past few weeks, there has been a lot of activity related to the Congressional push to establish a national data privacy / data security standard that all industries would be required to meet. 

New Version of Warren-Cleaver Housing Legislation Not Expected to Include CRA

This is a positive step, but GoWest will continue to advocate against CRA resurfacing in this or any other legislation.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Chevron Doctrine

The doctrine provided deference to federal regulators and agencies in their interpretation of ambiguous laws.

Republicans Looking for Creative Ways to Curtail Administrative Rulemaking

This article shares several examples of pending legislation on rulemaking.

Your Input Needed as FHFA Begins Rulemaking on FHLB Modernization

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) appears to be initiating the start of surrounding its previously announced plans to modernize the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) system as it prepares to turn 100 years old at the end of this decade.

House Appropriations Committee Passes Funding Minus SAFE Banking Language

In a vote Thursday night, the House Appropriations Committee approved a $23.6 billion measure to establish funding for the Fiscal Year 2025 Treasury Department and several independent federal agencies.

Spring Hike the Hill Attendees Drive Home Regulatory Priorities

Last week, credit union advocates from across the GoWest region were in our Nation’s Capital for the Spring Hike the Hill.

HFSC Markup Outlines Pushback on FI Regulation in Wake of SCOTUS Decision 

On Thursday morning, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled to uphold the funding mechanism of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau […]

HHS & DEA Work to Reschedule Marijuana. What Does That Mean for CUs?

GoWest researched the latest developments and consulted our legal team and other experts to determine how the rescheduling of marijuana impacts credit unions.

GoWest Congressional Leaders Rollout Data Privacy Package

Senator Cantwell and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers announced bipartisan, bicameral legislation that appears to address many of credit unions’ asks.

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Congress Pushes Back on Regulators and Legal Settlement Impact on Interchange

GoWest’s Ryan Fitzgerald details a series of wins that will help credit unions build momentum against misguided legislation and regulatory overreach.


A Deeper Dive into the CFPB’s Proposed Overdraft Rule

GoWest will provide robust advocacy to ensure the impacts on credit unions and ultimately their members, are clearly understood.


GoWest Meets with Congressional Leaders and Candidate in Colorado

The early January meetings set the stage for the national Governmental Affairs Conference and the 2024 election cycle.

US Capitol Building

Recent Announcements Bring Significant Changes to Colorado’s Federal Delegation

Announcements of retirements, candidacy for other offices, and other strategic decisions by elected officials point to many new faces in Congress following this year’s elections.

Picture of US Capitol with flag

Congressional Research Service Outlines Consequences of CCCA

Even Congress’ own independent research and analysis entity thinks Interchange legislation is a bad idea for consumers.

Oregon Credit Union Leaders, GoWest, Report Excellent Roundtable with Rep. Andrea Salinas

Credit union advocates take every possible opportunity to meet with federal elected officials in their home district.


GoWest Reviews Treasury’s New CDFI Certification Application

GoWest’s Sharee Adkins, Chief Impact Officer, and Ryan Fitzgerald, SVP, Advocacy, share high level details and timelines, while continuing to advocate for CDFI credit unions.

GoWest’s Congressional Delegation Will Look Different in 2024

Two Congressional Representatives from the GoWest region announced this week that they will not seek reelection.

No Government Shutdown – For Now

Eleventh hour legislation gives the House and Senate 45 days to finish their legislative work but against that backdrop, a battle for the House Speaker’s gavel has ignited.

Colorado CUs Connect with Rep. Brittany Pettersen

First-term Congresswoman Brittany Petttersen has a full plate but clears room for her credit union constituents.