Focus Areas 

Executive Ready builds competency in the 6Cs strategic culture framework, an impactful way for executive leaders to create high performing, connected, and innovative teams. 

  • Credibility: I’m a trusted, competent, influential leader. 
  • Clarity: We know where we’re going and how we will get there. 
  • Connection: We trust one another and invest in our mutual success. 
  • Capacity: We invest in building our people, systems, and tools. 
  • Commitment: We keep our promises. Curiosity: We ask great questions, take appropriate risks, and draw out new ideas. 


In this highly experiential and practical program participants will have an opportunity for self-assessment and then learn the pillars of the 6Cs strategic culture framework. The program provides a hands-on learning environment through a combination of in-person and virtual sessions. 

Each session will be followed by applied learning and practical resources. Each session will begin with a debrief of the action learning from the prior session. The content builds progressively from one session to the next and focuses on application with one’s team. 

Learning Objectives

  • Build strategic confidence and competence for deeper influence and impact 
  • Learn how to set, communicate, and reinforce clear expectations 
  • Build a foundation of greater trust and connection 
  • Identify the vital M.I.T. (most important things) and the specific behaviors that are most critical to success. 
  • Target and customize your coaching to each team member for greater confidence and competence. 
  • Establish a 5×5 communication plan to reinforce key messages and behaviors 
  • Learn tools and techniques for keeping the team focused and working on the most important things 
  • Identify the biggest productivity killers and how to overcome them 
  • How to build drama-free accountability 
  • Build a cadence of accountability and celebration